Wednesday, January 30, 2013

When it comes to make-up.... Virtual Makeover

When it comes to makeup,we all have our own style. Some of us love smokey eyes and some of us are more into natural look.
We all know what we like,but is that the best look we can get?
Now there is easy and fun way to find out . 

Have you ever heard of Virtual Makeover???
No more makeup cleaner !

Virtual Makeover is an online based application. The main idea is that you can upload your 
own photo and then you can choose different makeup or hairstyles.

How cool is that ? :) 

I will post some great web pages,where you can try different makeovers and hairstyles on you. 

The Basics: How to start :
  • Check the web pages and choose your favorite one
  • Make a free registration
  • When you have your registration done ,just upload your own photo
  • Do not upload blurry photos 
  • Enjoy :)

That`s it! So easy...

Here are the web pages:

Have fun !

Thanks for reading my blog :)
If you like it,please share it. If you have any questions or comments, ask me :)
and you know Just Smile :)

P.S I don not own any of the pictures used in this post. The top picture is from

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Online пазаруване - няколко полезни съвета

- Намерих толова много готини и евтини дрехи.
- КЪДЕ???
-Online! Не съм сигурна за името на сайта, но мога да го потърся.
-Oоо, по-добре недей!
- Защо?
-Не съм пробвала да пазарувам online, а и не съм по тия неща.
-Е, трябва да пробваш!
-Да,ама нали знаеш, че не е много сигурно! Как ще ме убедиш,че е ок?
-Хммм! Първо, най-добре е да плащаш през PayPal. Аз например не харесвам Western Union,защото изполва паричен трасфер. Второ,колкото е по-голям сайта,толкова по-добре(като ebay например) и трето, винаги можеш да провериш дали някой е написал коментар за съотвентия продавач.
- Ok , ама все пак?
-Да, да никога не може да знаеш със сигурност. Но пък можеш да си поръчаш нещо малко и евтино и да видиш дали ще ти хареса.
-Добре, но когато става въпрос за пазаруване на дрехи и обувки е малко сложно. С това вече трябва да се съгласиш!
-Защо си мислиш така?
- Например размера?
-Винаги можеш да откриеш таблица с рамери.
- А материята?
-Също е посочена, можеш да са информираш дали е памук или сатен или друга материя.
-Е добре де,ама от къде знаеш че е истинско това?
-Никой не знае, хаха, но пък можеш да прочетеш коментарите.
-Ок, може и да пробавам. Но да знаеш, че ако нещо се обърка ти ще си виновна!
- О, я стига. Голямо си бебе!

още няколко съвета:
  • Винаги преглеждай за коментари, относно продавача или просто опитай да го потърсиш в Google.
  • Доставката може да отнеме време, дори и продуктът да е изпратен от съседна страна.
  • Ако пазаруваш от някой сайт за първи път, най-добре е да поръчаш първоначално нещо малко и евтино.
  • Гледай внимателно и отблизо снимките на даденият продукт.
  • Аз използвам PayPal и засега работи добре.
  • Избягвайте паричните трансфер.
  • Обърнете внимание дали продавачът е предоставил повече информация за себе си, като например телефон или адрес(не само email)
  • Ако поръчвате нещо скъпо от чужбина, обърнете внимание дали трябва да платите ДДС и мито. Понякога може да избегнете това, като помолите продавачът да го прати като подарък.
  • Ако сте доволни от покупката, напишете коментар. Това ще помогне на следващите, които са решили да пазаруват от същият продавач!
  • Успех :) 

Ако имате някакъв опит - добър или лош, споделете го с нас.
Ще ви бъда много благодарна :). 

Ако се нуждаете от повече информация, може да разгедате тези сайтове (за сега са само на английски):

Благодаря, че четете моят блог:)
Ако ви харесва - Споделете го !  Ако имате въпроси или коментари, пишете ми :)
и най-важното ... Усмихвайте се повече :)

P.S I don not own any of the pictures used in this post. The top picture is from

Online shopping - some useful tips

- I found so many nice and cheap clothes.
- WHERE???
-Online, I am not sure about the name of the page,but I can find it for you.
-O,better no.
- Why?
-I never tried shopping online, I am a bit not into that.
-You should try it!
-But you know,it is not safe!How do you know if the web page is secure enough  when you pay?
-Hmm first it is better to pay with PayPal,I don`t like Western Union(that is my opinion).Second the bigger the web page is the better(like ebay for example) and third you can always check if they are reviews or comments about the particular seller.
- Ok ,but still?
-Yes,yes you can never know. But you can just order something small and really cheap to see how the things will work with that seller.
-Good,but for clothes and shoes is quite hard to shop online.You have to agree that!
-Why do you think so?
- What about size?
-There are always measurements and sizes provided.
- Material?
-Also provided,you can see if it is cotton or I don't know something else.
-How do you know if it is a really thing?
-No one knows,haha, but you can check for reviews or comments.
-Well after all I may try  and if something goes wrong it will be your fault!
- O come on, seriously. You are such a baby!

A few more:
  • Always check for reviews or comments about the seller or simple Google-it
  • Delivery may take time,even if you order from neighbor county 
  • If you try some new web page or seller,order something cheap first and see what will happen
  • Look carefully and closely at clothes pictures
  • I am using PayPal and works great for me
  • Avoid money transfers
  • See if the seller provides more information about himself,like phone and address (not only email)
  • If you buy something expensive,check the import policy of your country (duty).If you want to avoid it,ask the seller to shipped like a gift (works some times)
  • If you are satisfied with the product,leave a comment.That will help the next buyer!
  • Good Luck :) 

 If you have any good or bad experience please share it with us.
 I will be really thankful. 

If you need more information ask me or check this:

Thanks for reading my blog :)
If you like it,please share it. If you have any questions or comments, ask me :)
and you know Just Smile :)

P.S I don not own any of the pictures used in this post. The top picture is from

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shoesss Part 2

We all love shoes! We all want to have as many as possible!
Hope you enjoy it :)

Today`s topic : Shoesss Part 2 !!!

Today`s web page investigation: Outlet designer shoes!(Manolo Blahnik, Yves Saint Laurent and Alexander McQueen)

When it comes to shoes the sky is the limit. I will show you some web pages that I found. They offer cheaper outlet designer shoes.

Alexander McQueen

$257 on sale

$236 on sale

$165 on sale

Web Page :

Manolo Blanik

$170 on sale

$145 on sale

Web page :

Yves Saint Laurent 

$159 on sale
$158 on sale

$179 on sale

Web page:

Do you like them?
Which are your favorite designers?
Share your answers :)

I really like Jimmy Choo (style). His shoes are so meee...( I want them...ALL OF THEM) 

Some  NICE web pages to be investigated:

Thanks for reading my blog :)
If you like it,please share it. If you have any questions or comments, ask me :)
and you know Just Smile :)

P.S  I don`t own any of the pictures posted in my blog.
 After every set of pictures there is a web page from where I took them..

Shoesss Part 1

We all love shoes! We all want to have as many as possible!
Honestly,I like to buy cheap ones,so I can change them everyday(so not possible with that budget haha).
Hope you enjoy it :)

Today`s topic : Shoesss Part 1 !!!

Today`s web page investigation: Outlet designer shoes!(Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin)

When it comes to shoes the sky is the limit.Today I will show you some web pages that I found. They offer cheaper outlet designer shoes.

Jimmy Choo

$179 on sale
$179 on sale

$220 on sale

$176 on sale

Winter style :)
$257 on sale

Web page :

Christian Louboutin

$221 on sale

$192 on sale

$182 on sale

$165 on sale

$172 on sale

Web page :

That is the Part 1 !
Part 2 coming soon......

If you have free time you can also check:
Thanks for reading my blog :)
If you like it,please share it. If you have any questions or comments, ask me :)
and you know Just Smile :)

P.S  I don`t own any of the pictures posted in my blog.
 After every set of pictures there is a web page from where I took them..